Many people report having memory loss as they get older and reach out for brain training programs to practice exercises to keep their brain sharp. One area often overlooked in the attempt to keep the brain cells firing is being engaged in social activities with others. New or established social activities add to an approach of improving brain health because connecting with others, requires you to use skills that help your brain stay on point such as:
Social and brain health benefits
Getting involved in social activities with acquaintances and friends brings about two main benefits. Firstly, it is fun! Participating in activities you enjoy with others is entertaining and allows you learn new things about other people. People love to talk about themselves and learning from others can be very rewarding and enriching. A second benefit is that it will require you to come up with things to say in conversation which exercises your brain on the fly. Some conversations will be short in cases where their are no common interests, however, eventually you will start a conversation with someone who likes something you enjoy. So, you may find someone who likes the same movie s, has the same hobby, or grew up where you did and you wont be able to stop talking, trust me on that!
No social network?
Being social is is not always easy especially if you don't have social connections to begin with But, it is never to late to get started to develop social relationships, and yes it will cause you to go outside your comfort zone! You grow when you go out of your comfort zone and I believe in you!
A good way to begin increasing your social network is to research activities that are going on in your community that may be of interest. Examples of community events that you may local book clubs at the local library; free concerts; free performances put on by local schools, art shows; yoga in the park; classes offered at the the local college; and participating in hobbies that are open to the public. Make a plan to visit at least one new event a month. Simply go by yourself and join in and it is that simple. When there get up the nerve to introduce yourself to three people and it's likely one you will meet someone you have something in common with. Taking the time to share your life with others is a good exercise and you will likely find that others are interested in why you are there and may talk to you about their story. When you take a chance and start a conversation you may find yourself in a fun conversation and on the way to a potential friendship.
Handling rejection in the social scene
Being social involves some risk taking as others may not be as open and ready to connect as you are. However, most people in new situations are as nervous as you are and may have a different way of reacting to their feelings other than talking. Many people say they don't know what to say and that they don't want to say the wrong thing so choose to be quiet. So when a person who prefers to be quiet is the person you choose to talk to it may fee uncomfortable. If you approach someone to talk and feel they are not talking back to you, realize it may be they don't know what to say. In your talking to others and reaching out you are setting an example for them which makes it worth it.
Seeking common interests is key
The key is to look for common interests with the people you meet which opens up conversations and gets both you and the person you are talking to excited. In some cases finding common interests can open up doors that you might not have ever thought about leading to finding a person to do fun things with or even employment opportunities. It is also good to learn about things you don't know about which can expand your thinking. S
Keep an open mind
o while establishing common interests are a sure fire way to build friendships it is important to note that connecting with others who you have nothing in common with you can be rewarding. Keeping an open mind to new experiences can lead to things beyond your interests and be rewarding in the end. So, join the club, talk to that person who is sitting next to you,, and step out of your comfort zone. Remember that your efforts have the potential to lead to increased happiness and brain connections for a healthier brain which is a win-win!.